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Keg conversion to keggle

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:16 am
by drgeorgegoodman
Does anyone have a recommendation for someone who can convert my keg to a keggle?

Re: Keg conversion to keggle

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:48 am
by groovyslick
If you want to come to me I can help you with it. I have the ginder and jig and drill bits.
email me at: groovyslick@yahoo


Re: Keg conversion to keggle

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:18 am
by jfulton97
I am in the same situation. I have a grinder and am going to get some blades and a step bit to drill out the hole for the valve.

I called Richardson Fabrication down in Dallas because I saw them mentioned on a homebrew website. They do stainless and the person answering the phone remembered doing this for a homebrewer before.

She guessed it would be about $40 to weld the bulkhead into the keg. I did not ask about how much to use their plasma cutter to cut the top off the keg or how much for them to drill the hole through the side though since they do stainless kitchen fabrication I expect they have tools for all of that.

The question for me is whether a $40 weld job is worth the cost above using a weldless fixture.

I plan to swing by and show them the keg and talk to them in person about what I need before I have them do the work.

Does anyone else know of another welder in the Dallas area that has experience helping homebrewers convert kegs that does a quality job?

It looks like the cost of the parts associated with the weldless and welded options are about the same (diptube, compression fitting, bulkhead, coupling, etc) so really the question is whether the $40 of welding costs is worth it because of the greater reliability.

Thanks for your help. I am new to this and just got this old keg and am looking forward to making a new, large boil kettle out of it.

Re: Keg conversion to keggle

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:06 pm
by BigWally
$40 does not seem to be too out of hand for the job. I have used weldless fitting and have not had problems either. DYI is not too hard if you have the tools and patience.