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National Brew Day Video Suggestions

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:41 am
by jlavin
National Brew Day is coming up on us fast and this year we will be again taping the Brew Day over at Kelly's place.

Last year we got an Honorable Mention for our Pop-up video, this year I'd love to produce a video that takes First Place. So I'm looking for ideas and suggestions about what we can do to make this year's video a winner.

I heard a good one at the club meeting and that was to have a bunch of folks dress up as Yeast and have them dance around belching and spitting out alcohol. It sure is different, but it could very easily go viral if done right.

If you've got ideas respond to this post.

Re: National Brew Day Video Suggestions

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:13 pm
by Bill Lawrence
Well I don't know that I've seen people dressing up as yeast but I have seen people dancing around like idiots, belching and spitting up alchol. Actually, I don't really know how one would dress like yeast but it really doesn't conjure up a pretty picture, at least in my mind. Generally speaking, the audience for such a video would be male so my immediate thought would be to round up some barely clothed bimbos. Unfortunately, I don't really know any bimbos but you might check with Mr. James if you decide to go that route. :D

Re: National Brew Day Video Suggestions

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:48 pm
by Jimmy Orkin
Budding yeast cells might be interesting. Creatures jumping out of stomachs of other yeast cells like Alien the movie.